SPORTFORUM 2023: Huge success for LIVE!

72h later, we are still puzzled by the fantastic outcome of LIVE! Technologies Switzerland's first public appearance in Switzerland at the most meaningful Swiss Sports Industry event, the #sportforumschweiz. WHAT.AN.EVENT. - WHAT.A.RESULT!!!
We are very happy about the appreciation & the love received from the sports industry leaders & decision makers. LIVE!'s CEO Sam Plecic and Branding/Sponsoring Director Christopher Straumann have been at many business networking events in their lives, but THIS one was simply outstanding in any aspect:
We have literally gathered business everywhere at the event scene: in the pitching rooms, at the bar, while getting fresh air outside, at the wardrobe, on the dancefloor, in the hotel lobby, while washing hands in the toilet, during breakfast or while getting coffee at the coffee bar in the breakfast session - never experienced such a business-savvy & extremely positive energy at none of the hundreds business events that we have been in the past.
Thank you ESB Marketing Netzwerk, Patrick Achberger & the entire super-professional ESB team, see you again in Andermatt on 29th/30th March 2024! A big THANK YOU to all the interesting and interested people that we've met at the SPORTFORUM - YOU MADE OUR DAY! So looking forward to continue what we've started in Lucerne!

Markus Haller (Founder/Head, Brian Ruchti (Founder/CEO Newsroom Communication AG); Sam Plecic (Founder & CEO LIVE! Technologies AG), Benjamin Blaser (Founder & President Newsroom Communication AG); Georg Hoegger (Chief Marketing Officer Nussli Group)
The official launch of LIVE! Technologies Switzerland was embedded into the first public event appearance of the entire Swiss Stadium Group, an expert & competence center for stadium projects & venue business development, that LIVE! Technologies Switzerland has co-founded.
Thanks to all STADIONGRUPPE partners, NUSSLI GROUP, HPE aruba networks (special thanks to CEO Beat Sommerhalder, who presented together with LIVE! CEO Sam Plecic the showcases Tottenham Hotspurs Digital Stadium & Zurich Letzigrund Interactive Festival Entertainment), AROCOM AG, KERN Sport Consulting, B+T Bild + Ton AG, menzi ebz ag, Frey Security & Newsroom Communication AG.
A BIG hug & special thanks to STADIONGRUPPE member Newsroom Communication AG and its leaders Brian Ruchti, Benjamin Blaser and David Himmelberger and the entire Newsroom team for the excellent event management & coordination for the STADIONGRUPPE.
Proud to be a part in this team of champions!
Next business stop for LIVE! Technologies Switzerland: Abu Dhabi @F1 Grand Prix with Amazon Web Services (AWS) from 23rd-25th November 2023. More exitement ahead at tropical temparatures, updates will follow via LIVE! blog on in the last November week